Page name: ET Front Page Art Contest! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-27 12:23:16
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<img300*0:> <img300*0:>

Art by [Liv] and [Dr.No] & Art by [Maketsu]

Elftown Front Page Art Contest!

This contest has ended!


Welcome to the next installment of the ET Front Page Art Contest! Yes, we are still looking for new and inventive frontpages-something different, something that just shouts Elftown!! Get your pencils, pens, and mouses ready all you artists, because this one is for you!



The current frontpages may not be submitted again. Only new artwork may be submitted as entries to this contest

Frontpages from previous contests that were not selected should not appear in this contest, let's try to get some new stuff in here!

Do not submit another member's artwork!

Do not submit an entry that violates the Uploading Art Rules

Each member is allowed 2 entries!



Since the winner's artwork will be used as the Frontpage for Elftown, let's try to keep it sizeable, or able to be resized if necessary. Make sure it's 800 width X 592 height and less than 100 KB in filesize!

Subject Matter:

No entries will be allowed that display violent or feature disturbing or sexual material. Keep in mind that everyone who wanders through Elftown will be seeing this winner's image...let's try to keep it family friendly.


Deadline: 01 May 2005


How to post your entry:

Add your entry after the previous one with separating lines. Don't forget to write your user name and the piece's title! For Example:

1. "Title"-[insert user name]


Note: The winner will be chosen by the Council and Assembly among all the entries presented.


Will be given to all participants!
Will be given to the Winner!


Winner: Elftown's Front Page Art Contest

<news:[ET Front Page Art Contest!@wiki] Winner!>

By [Dr.No]

All submissions:
ET Front, page 1
ET Front, page 2
ET Front, page 3
ET Front, page 4


Thank you to all that contributed!


Begin Entries Here:
-ET Front, page 1
-ET Front, Page 2
-ET Front, Page 3
-ET Front, Page 4

Username (or number or email):


2005-03-27 [Levoton]: Mm, yeah, about that.

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: well what im using right now looks like it gives me about 500X825 if I use the page to its borders so i can always use that as a template

2005-03-27 [liiga]: You know, to get the right size in inches, take that 800x592 and divide by 72.

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: slightly larger than 11X8

2005-03-27 [Amerthyst]: Whoo i have an idea to draw!!..needs plotting..*poofs*

2005-03-27 [Erestor]: I entered but it's slightly rubbish! ^^'

2005-03-27 [?.?.]: nowt different there then rhys

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: <img:> Hm... I think ET shrank it when I uploaded it. This is just the basic look and a "test run" to see how the pixel size thing would work

2005-03-27 [liiga]: Well if you pay attention to what it says on top of the page that you get to when uploading a drawing to your elftown house, you should know that ET does indeed shrink things to max 500 pixels width, 1000 pixels height. However, you should be able to see the size in pixels already in whatever program you're using to scan it. o.0

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: i have to edit it in standard old paint -_- its gonna be a LOOOONG coloring process, everything like the fairy is supposed to be black...

2005-03-27 [Beneath The Howling Stars6664]: paint =S eep! get photoshop or summint or find out sumone who has a good drawing program!!1

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: I know, im thinking that I need someone to do the coloring, as a co-op project

2005-03-27 [liiga]: Download GIMP. It's freeware and not too shabby at all. :P

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: maybe later. im about 65% done with the black shading. using solid rectangles/squares of black where you can makes it go alot faster

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: Meh, not much point, all ive got left to do is color in the moons stars and comet <img:>

2005-03-27 [organicparadox]: ya know, instead of just a black background, what about making it a night sky? a multi-hued cosmos of stars and constellations and all that other beautiful, aethereal, stuff? <img250*0:>

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: because i lack the skill and programs. And coloring it in paint isnt going to work >< it looks best as it is.

2005-03-27 [organicparadox]: defeatist......, you have been struck from my will, for such slanderous lazitude! for shame! think of the children!!

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: Actually, the moons look really good if you look close enough (such as zooming in with paint) since the variations in the grayscale the scanner creates make them look exactly like moons

2005-03-27 [dilandau]: im looking at that gimp thing. it may be just what i need to :)

2005-03-27 [organicparadox]: gimp rawks. all the power of photoshop (not as clean or intuitive a interface), and you can't beat the price.... freee! (but then again all my apps are free;)

2005-03-27 [dilandau]: yeah but its gonna take forever to download... dial-up

2005-03-27 [organicparadox]: ewwwwwwwwwwww, sorry for that

2005-03-27 [dilandau]: so am i...

2005-03-27 [dilandau]: estimated time: 28 min  actually not as bad as i expected

2005-03-27 [Rennie]: Right on blink...go for whatever...I want some diversity to this contest!!!

2005-03-27 [LadyMoon]: is it allowed to have an entry that is 529 by 800 pixels or does it has to be 800 by 529? ><;;

2005-03-27 [Wes Foxx]: the page is landscape view like the other pages, of course, so unless your picture works sideways as well as up and down, i doubt it

2005-03-28 [Rennie]: 800x529 only please :)

2005-03-28 [Sagacious Turkey]: how about 800x530?

2005-03-28 [Rennie]: *rolls eyes* I think you get the point...don't be a smartass...

2005-03-28 [organicparadox]: don't evoke the amazon's wrath turkey!             :)

2005-03-28 [Wes Foxx]: turkey lives to irritate people. its his only purpose in life apparently, i think i got him to admit it in Anthro Lovers before.

2005-03-28 [organicparadox]: *note to self....,*

2005-03-28 [Tableau Vivant]: i'd love to enter this, but i dont know what to make =P

2005-03-28 [Estantia]: same here...

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: erm so how do I post my entry, sorry I am new to this...

2005-03-28 [Tableau Vivant]: whehe =P  i would like to, but i just can't come up with anything... =P lol

2005-03-28 [Mom]: Mmmm...should I or shouldn't I?

2005-03-28 [Levoton]: Everyone should! :) If you're talking about entering, that is.

2005-03-28 [Tableau Vivant]: whehe

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: can anyone please tell me how to post my entry?

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: Can someone please tell me how to enter it? Please?

2005-03-28 [liiga]: <IMG:http://your_pics_url_goes_here.jpg>; everything else is described right in the middle of this very page.

2005-03-28 [Charybdis]: Mind that it goes on the right page, not here :) > ET Front, page 1

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: Thx but I don't understand how I get the name of my image here :S

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: Thx but my pic doesn't have a url :S plz can som1 help :(

2005-03-28 [Charybdis]: Have you uploaded it?

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: hoorah! i have finally done it! It is there if you want to look although it is a bit rubbish

2005-03-28 [deadmanred92]: Thanks to all who helped me x

2005-03-29 [fade_out]: hmm, i have an idea for this comp...lalalalaa

2005-03-29 [The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: I'm already working on mine....

2005-03-29 [organicparadox]: i'm ready to colour one.....;)

2005-03-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I'm almost done with mine. ^_^

2005-03-30 [organicparadox]: no work in progress pics??  :(

2005-03-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Not from me... I don't like to spoil what the finished product will look like... ^_^  All a surprise... besides I don't draw mine out, I just use strictly PS... no pencil/pen/paper at all... so... No, I don't post "In Progress" pics.  I just started mine like half hour ago and it's already posted up on the contest page. o.O

2005-03-31 [Beneath The Howling Stars6664]: wow page 3 already =Þ

2005-04-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea... in like hardly anytime at all... O.O

2005-04-01 [Noexistantanymo]: Isn't that a good thing? The better chance to get a good picture chosen to the frontpage ;)

2005-04-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yes! It's just like... "Wow..."

2005-04-01 [Noexistantanymo]: think how it will look in a week or two when others have had time to work properly on a piece of art for this competition

2005-04-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Oh, I know... by the time they reach the deadline it will prolly have reached about 7 or 8 pages... if not more.

2005-04-01 [Noexistantanymo]: Wanna bet? Mine is on 10 pages least.. :p

2005-04-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: That's what I meant if it's not at 7 or 8 pages, it's going to be more.

2005-04-01 [Beneath The Howling Stars6664]: it'd b funny if everyone who was going to enter had already and no one else did :P

2005-04-01 [Sagacious Turkey]: <poll:48916>... I was too lazy to get them all the apropriate size...

2005-04-01 [organicparadox]: lil premature isn't it?

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: rather. its not for another month that this contest is closed.

2005-04-01 [Sagacious Turkey]: sooooooo...?

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: plus, we wont actually be able to decide anything with this vote, thats up to the council and such remember?

2005-04-01 [Sagacious Turkey]: yeeeeesssss...

2005-04-01 [organicparadox]: so, the point was what again? just to get a public opinion of the pics already posted? not fair for those still pouring their hearts out on theirs.,,,:(

2005-04-01 [Sagacious Turkey]: screw them... they're too slow... I'll add em' later...

2005-04-01 [organicparadox]: what a dumbass

2005-04-01 [Sagacious Turkey]: you shouldn't talk about yourself like that... that's just wrong...

2005-04-02 [Rennie]: Bad Turkey. You will not 'create' your own poll for this contest. Keep in mind, if you possibly can, that this is not only being run by crew, but a *guard* and I will not only eliminate you from this contest, but you will end up being banned from Elftown indefinitely if you cannot learn to behave yourself in a public forum and contest. Got it? Good.

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: this is what, his third major talking to in a week? this is what, 3 days after he started advertizing all his clone wikis before getting cornered and forced to give them back to their proper owners?

2005-04-02 [Rennie]: And he is about to get his butt banned from Elftown by me personally if he screws up anymore.

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: lol, better not look in the supposedly fake new guard stuff or Come back, hedda! then o_<

2005-04-02 [Rennie]: lmao been there, seen it ;)

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: there'll be a turkey roast any day now at this rate. =x

2005-04-02 [TheRogue]: I'll bring the mashed potatoes and stuffing...

2005-04-02 [Cougar]: I've got the biscuits from scratch and gravy covered.

2005-04-02 [TheRogue]: By all means.. everyone go TAKE HIS POLL. ;)

2005-04-02 [TheRogue]: <poll:48916>

2005-04-02 [organicparadox]: lol, thanks for taking care of this numb nut guys:) *it pays to have friends in high places*

2005-04-02 [TheRogue]: The guy just oozes stupidity. NOT ON MY WATCH... LAAAAAAAAAA! (Fairly Odd Parents reference)

2005-04-02 [TheRogue]: Didja get my email Blink? Better get ta crackin.. ;)

2005-04-02 [Rennie]: *pedestal starts to tilt over* whoooaaaahh!!!...

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: UBER RANDOMNESS! -ahem- sorry, couldnt help myself... waayy old waay old, la lala laa laa lala

2005-04-02 [dilandau]: you can not vote in a nonexisting poll hahaha

2005-04-02 [Artemis Riddle]: wheeeeeee!!!!!!!

2005-04-03 [operationivy123]:

2005-04-03 [losthero]: do the submissions have to be drawn or can i use a photo?

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: long as it's a photo by you.

2005-04-03 [losthero]: it will be

2005-04-03 [organicparadox]: you should include that commercial stock images are alright, and anything un copywritten or categorized, "public property" (press photos, reuters and associated press, etc).........,   :)

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea, but then it wouldn't be YOUR art. ;)

2005-04-03 [organicparadox]: i use tha tstuff in alot of my art (many in my house), and it is still MY art

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: No, it's someone else's that just never took credit for it altered by you. -.-

2005-04-03 [organicparadox]: luckily i never followed any of your advice or a doomed artist i would indeed be. then again, i never looked to people with your elitist perspective for inspiration:|

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Just my opinion... *Shrugs* Which is prolly the guards way of thinking as well, although I don't know that for a fact, I'm sure that's what it is or at least pretty close to it anyways. o.O

2005-04-03 [organicparadox]: i hope they don't have that outlook on art, it poisons creativity

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I can see looking at a picture for maybe an idea, but not using that picture and just adding to or takeing away or altering it... Like if I see a picture of a rottweiler, I instantly think of my dog, and I may end up using an image that I took of my dog if it were for an artistic photography image or might study my dog closer if I was going to draw her or make a digital image of her. But I would use the pic of the rottweiler I found on soem random free-to-use website.

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: ... >.< Then I'd learn how to spell... LOL!

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: what if you wanted to do a piture of the taj mahal? would you need to travel there with your camera in order to feel justified in drawing it?  you might want to stick with specializing in beer drinking........,

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: if you DRAW it its fine. if you take a picture of it yourself its good, but you cant use ANYTHING someone else did.

2005-04-04 [goody_2_shoes]: i am the bomb at drawing

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: <img200*0:> So am I ;)

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Thank you [Wes Foxx] that's the point I've been trying to convey to [organicparadox]... then trying to explain WHY this is the rules. -.- (BTW: I don't drink beer, I'm more particular to schnops, and liqures but the beer drinker wiki is mostly for my friends... you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that.)

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: Im suprisingly wise for someone as, basically, deranged as i am ^^;

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: i give up, (*edited*sorry that was rude). agree to disagree i suppose.

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: one of the first signs of madness is talking about yourself in the plural, ya know o_<

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: lol (Edited previous comment)

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: its that "IM NOT CRAZY! IM THE ONLY SANE PERSON" complex.

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: It's the "Everyone's wrong but me" disorder...

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: actually, for organic, i think both apply equally.

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: could be worse. he could be [Sagacious Turkey]

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: well, that would depend on the scope of who you are talking about. there are quite a few other dedicated art comunities out there who differ from your 'majority' opinion.,,,, etc. i based alot of my opinions on art from the guidance of greater artists on sites such as these.

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: is a great guideline that hints on some of this discussion

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: oh. so now we're the minority and inferior because other people put up their own websites.

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Well, let's take a peek here... first if you want ppl to actually be able to look at those sites... type them up right. Click on one it says "Page Cannot Be Displayed" (Here's the trick... take the comas out.) Makes sence... you hang around with your own kind... other art thieves and unoriginal people.

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: not at all. their opinion doesn't count anymore than mine in relation to your own love of art. i am not saying you are wrong, if that's what creams your twinkie. but i do feel compelled to voice my opinion when it differs extremely from others. 

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: congratulations, your oppinion has been voiced. but you SHOULDNT be at the same time convincing people here that that is acceptable for stuff on here, whatever the hell YOUR oppinion may be it doesn't correspond to the rules.

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: OK... you like to use other people's work to creat your own... ~_^ Point taken. Where as I prefer to use only my own and not other ppl's even if it is altered beyond recognition. *Shrugs* some ppl are more creative than others I guess... or at least more original.

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: and i digress to my previous statement: i give up, idiots abound....

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: rules are rules, para.

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: wess, could you give me the link to these rules? what rules? 

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: like it says on this VERY PAGE, Uploading Art Rules.

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: specifically! E) Copyrighted art that is not by you, and manipulations of such.

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: there is nothing in there that relates to this topic. nevermind kid, hush and be quiet. your ignorance is ooozing

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: more like im prooving you wrong and your getting sulky ;)

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: read my original statement that started this whole debate buddy:| *quote starts* "you should include that commercial stock images are alright, and anything un copywritten or categorized, "public property" (press photos, reuters and associated press, etc).........,  :)"*end quote* sulk on that

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Hehehe... *Sits and watches amused*  It's all there in black and... well... black and green. :P

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: repette`: "ART THAT IS NOT BY YOU"

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: But... it doesn't include that... and it's because IT'S NOT YOUR WORK! sulk on that.

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: now what part of that includes copywritten material? and i digress again. 

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: =_-

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: The rulse don't just specify copyrighted material... it includes ANYTHING that is not yours.

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: <img250*0:> so this is not my work? because i used a public domain free image from nasa's image site (, excellent resource btw)? or because the terrain i rendered uses a tiling grass texture from a sample cd? maybe you could illluminate me, cause i am in the dark

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I woulnd't say the nasa image should be allowed... and the grass texture is questionable...

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: if you cut up and grind a dozen things to make something else, no matter how you arrange the pieces, you still used those 12 things that were not yours ;) unless you took the individual pieces of solid color or something, no, its not original.

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: its called a collage.

2005-04-04 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: a collage of someone else's work.

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: exactly.

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: its like mixing colors. the stuff you get from somewhere else is a color like brown, stuff you make is always white. no matter how much white you add, its still not pure white when you use other stuff ;)

2005-04-04 [Caelicorn]: Actually, public domain generally relates to written works. All creative works are copyrighted unless the creator explicitly licenses them out. An author does not need to expressly state that his/her work is copyrighted. Therefore, you cannot assume a creator has licensed out his/her work to the general public unless he/she expressly says so. I think perhaps you guys should quit arguing for now ;) and that one of you takes a copy of that picture, and emails a link to Bert Ulrich, bert.ulrich@hq.nasa.govt to see what he says about it. At any rate, check out which states the degree to which they have licensed each particular image.

2005-04-04 [Caelicorn]: And, [organicparadox], I understand that you are simply maintaining what you believe is a just point on the matter, but no manner of righteousness justifies calling people names and flaming them. If you think you're right, I'm sure you can deal with matters in a reasonable way, dude ;) Peace bro!! Also - dont you reckon you guys should take this private, or talk to an authority about it? I'm not saying any of you are wrong! It's just, if I was interested in competeing, I might be freaked out by all the anti on the board! What do you think?

2005-04-04 [irulan]: Yes, please move this to discussion to private messages. Probably not everyone watching the page wants to read about this.

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: Well, at least we've made it nice and clear

2005-04-04 [Rennie]: If we cannot be civil, I will not only delete the comments so that no one gets to talk on these pages anymore, but all the berating parties will get another notch against them for screwing around in an official ET wiki/contest arena and could face a ban. Got it?

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: and i digress to my previous statement: i give up

2005-04-04 [TheRogue]: *sighs* Simply amazing...

2005-04-04 [TheRogue]: Rules are clear. There are parts and portions to that rule that do not apply here. Brushes, tiles, and textures that are given freely to be manipulated do not constitute an accusation of "Not Your Work". the tiles and brushes, and other means are the FOUNDATIONAL image that becomes drastically changed as you create your own work. Stock photo images are also deemed 'acceptable' in most cases, but because in Elftown there are a bunch of no talent HACKS claiming someone else's art as theirs, the clause NOT UNLESS IT'S YOUR WORK is in effect.

2005-04-04 [TheRogue]: Furthermore, the image posted here, the ONLY thing that is not created by Organic is the photo of the earth, which, I'd like to see one of you take a picture of the earth for me. of COURSE it's a stock photo! Any of YOU been to the moon lately?? I didn't think so. It is obvious it was used to enhance the subject matter of his image, but that by no means he should be subjected to your little barrage of 'what's cool' and 'what's not' or whatever this was. It's mouthy little knowitall kids like you that make good people leave Elftown. What's the point? If you can't carouse with other fellow artists, might as well crap on them, right? This guy has been doing art before some of you were even a

2005-04-04 [TheRogue]: TWINKLE in your parent's eye, and you have audacity to attack his credibility? You might as well attack mine too, only I attack back. Keep your little mouths shut if you can't be nice to people around here. Archeress, i thought you were not the same as the rest of these little punk kids, Wess I don't know you but I already know I don't like you. Shame on you guys, really. Sorry [Rennie] but I had to say my piece about this. Don't mean to muck up your wiki.

2005-04-04 [TheRogue]: 13:24:53 [Gritchu] said: Lets say you've written a story on pencil and paper. Would the story be concidered yours since you used someone elses material (pencil and paper since I doubt you make your own) to create it? No difference with collage, your just using material from another source to create your own work. Insted of paper you use nasa images, instead of paper you use an art program.

2005-04-04 [TheRogue]: Sorry. You were right in the middle of my rant. :) Good point though, thank you very much.

2005-04-04 [toycar]: It's alright I think, just lets all be friendly elftowners now….ok? *hands everyone a pair of orange socks* o.o

2005-04-04 [toycar]: And, I clearly need sleep, ‘night people who are awake.

2005-04-04 [Rennie]: I appreciate you pointing out the points [TheRogue] but let's try not to *rant* on an official ET contest, eh? Is everyone satiated now?! Can we just end this crap?!

2005-04-04 [TheRogue]: *hides* ayupyup... i'm done.. don't hit me. :P

2005-04-04 [Kitty_1]: *contesst!* : D

2005-04-04 [Gritchu]: So.... I like contests.... *grins*

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: you should post that wonderful speech in the actual rules page to hopefully eliminate future discrepancies

2005-04-04 [organicparadox]: *discrepancies*

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: thats what i said >>

2005-04-06 [WestFactor]: LOL...this was a great read and I thank all parties involved. "Thank you very much." LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

2005-04-06 [organicparadox]: *comes out from behind the curtain for a second curtsie* anything to please the fans

2005-04-06 [toycar]: *throws cabbages compassionately* …the cabbages weren’t intended to cause harm x.x

2005-04-06 [Beneath The Howling Stars6664]: ..... they r painful wen u get hit by one y'kno?

2005-04-06 [Charybdis]: ... and you know this from experience? :p

2005-04-06 [Rennie]: ALLRIGHT!!! There will be no vegetables thrown in this wiki...;p

2005-04-06 [Sylvia Rote]: cabbages can be deadly after being digested ~stinky~

2005-04-06 [Paul Doyle]: Throw in some corned beef, some potatoes and some Guiness, and you've got a downright combustible Irish inferno :-)

2005-04-06 [Sylvia Rote]: LOL!!

2005-04-06 [dilandau]: no veggies huh erin? what about fruit?

2005-04-06 [Paul Doyle]: In a traditional Irish diet, there aren't many veggies besides potatoes . . . the occasional turnip and carrot and leek, but that's about it.

2005-04-06 [Paul Doyle]: And cabbage, of course :3

2005-04-07 [dilandau]: whats a leek?

2005-04-07 [Wes Foxx]: wild onion

2005-04-07 [dilandau]: y didnt he just say onion then?

2005-04-07 [Wes Foxx]: a wild onion is shaped sort of like a stick, and is alot harder

2005-04-07 [dilandau]: weird

2005-04-07 [Paul Doyle]: It's a Cultural Thang :P

2005-04-07 [Wes Foxx]: sometimes you find those fronds all stuck together

2005-04-07 [dilandau]: .....whats a frond?

2005-04-07 [Wes Foxx]: the leafs x.x

2005-04-07 [Images]: No veggies here, eh? So, I guess that means this is not a good place to take a leek?

2005-04-07 [Images]: *cheesy grin*

2005-04-07 [Paul Doyle]: Whip out your banana or gooseberry, and take your leek over there ---> :B

2005-04-07 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Just don't be poppin' any cherries! (Sorry... Couldn't resist that one. LOL!)

2005-04-07 [Images]: Oh! *quick subject change* So, umm, how 'bout them dairy products, huh guys?

2005-04-07 [Paul Doyle]: Udderly mooving!

2005-04-07 [Images]: lol.. Dairy product funnies now Mr Doyle? We could milk that one for all it's worth... till someone fires a brick of finely aged parmasan at us, but I think that falls into the same category as cabbage - it hurts!

2005-04-07 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Should I comment on this one too? lol nah, I'll just let 'em go this time. *EG and dances away*

2005-04-07 [toycar]: sadly...ive never had a cabbage thrown in my direction... ive had a sandwich... it may possible have had cabbage in it... and maybe even parmesan cheese….

2005-04-07 [iippo]: I have had cabbage, but never thrown.

2005-04-07 [Images]: Is "Food items that can knock you unconscious" one of the four food groups?

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